FastReport Open Source - what is it and how to use it
Open Source
is very popular in our time. The global giants of the software market played considerable
role in its popularization. After all, these companies are developing high-end
commercial software, and their open source projects are based on proven
solutions and best practices. And development is lead by professional
programmers. All this increases the credibility of such open source projects.
No, I do not want to say that projects created by a community of like-minded
people are worse. Often they turn into cult, for example, the well-known Linux.
However, such projects often attract inexperienced developers eager to gain new
experience, which affects the quality of the product.
more and more commercially successful software companies are trying to benefit
the public, creating open source projects. FastReports has not become an
exception. One of its most successful projects, the FastReport .NET report
generator, is now open source. To tell the truth,
this is not a fully-fledged FastReport .NET. In its Open Source version, the
report export was pretty much cut, leaving only the export in html, the images
and the native format of the reports prepared for viewing. However, otherwise
it is still the same FastReport .NET.
But not
everyone knows FastReport .NET. Someone is just starting their acquaintance with
FastReport with OpenSource. Let's take a quick look at the main components and
capabilities of this report generator.
- Create
reports using a convenient separate application - report designer FastReport Designer Community Edition (;
- Display reports for apps based on: .Net WinForms, ASP .Net MVC, ASP .Net Core MVC, WPF, AvaloniaUI;
- The ability to connect to any database, use any of its tables or create queries;
- The ability to add dialog forms to your report to request parameters before running the report.
- The built-in report script allows you to use data from the dialog form, to perform complex calculations, and to transform objects of a report by events. You can use .Net libraries in the script as well;
- Export report to format: html, image (jpeg, png, tiff, bmp, gif, Windows meta file);
- Open source gives you the opportunity to make changes to obtain the desired functionality.
FastReport.OnlineDesigner and FastReport.OnlineDesigner.Web
The first one contains the main functionality of the report generator,
inherited from FastReport.Net. The second one is an adaptation of the report
generator to the .Net Core framework. In particular, the WebReport object
allows displaying a form with navigation elements on a web page which can
display a report page by page.
If you plan to use a report generator in a web project, then you need to
add both libraries to your project. However, if the web is not provided, then
only FastReport.OpenSource is sufficient.
Where to download
You can
download the source code of the FastReport.OpenSource project in the github
But if you
do not plan to change the source code, you just need to connect the libraries
in the project using the NuGet package manager. We will talk about this later.
How to install FastReport Open Source
There are
three ways to install the FastReport.OpenSource libraries into your project:
- From the NuGet package manager;
- From the git repository;
- Build the project in a local folder.
- The first - from the NuGet package manager. The “freshest” FastReport.OpenSource package assemblies have already been placed in the repository. Find and install the FastReport.OpenSource and FastReport.OpenSource.Web packages.
- The second way - from the Git repository. To do this, you must have Git and the latest version of .Net Core SDK installed. Next, copy the repository using the Git Bash console. To do this, enter the command:
- The third method - Build the project in a local folder. It consists in downloading the project from github as an archive. Extract the archive to the desired folder. And run the file pack.bat from the Tools folder. The result will be the same as in the method above.
cd FastReport
The first
command clones a project from the repository. The second one – moves us to
cloned repository folder. And the third one – runs the building script. As a
result we’ll get the folder fr_nuget located in the FastReport directory. We
can see built NuGet packages in the folder. You should set a local NuGet
packages source to add libraries into the project. Open the NuGet packages
manager in your ASP .Net Core project. There is the settings button in the top right
Set the path to the fr_nuget folder for the Local package source. Click
Update and OK.
Select the source package Local package source in the drop-down list in
the upper right corner. And also select the Browse tab in the upper left corner.
If you do not need libraries to work with MySql and Postgres, then install the
two packages FastReport.OpenSource and FastReport.OpenSource.Web. If you want
to build packages under Linux, then the procedure is the same as above, and the
commands are as follows:
git clone
cd FastReport
chmod 777 Tools/ && ./Tools/
How to use in WinForms
Although the FastReport Open Source is “sharpened” for the web, you can still use it in regular WinForms applications. However, the report will have to be displayed in graphical format using exporting the report to an image.
consider the way to do this. First of all, you need to add libraries to the
project. For this we use the NuGet package manager. If packages are built
locally, then we specify the local package repository; otherwise, select the repository. Install the FastReport.OpenSource package.
the code of your application, you need to add library namespaces:
using FastReport;
using FastReport.Export.Image;
Add a method for loading and exporting a report in
image format:
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
Report report = new
Report(); // Create a report object
Files (x86)\FastReports\FastReport.Net\Demos\Reports\Master-Detail.frx"); // Load report template
DataSet data = new DataSet(); //Create a data source
Files (x86)\FastReports\FastReport.Net\Demos\Reports\nwind.xml"); // Load the database into the data source.
report.RegisterData(data,"NorthWind"); // Register the data source in the report
ImageExport exp = new
ImageExport(); // Create report export in image format
exp.ImageFormat = ImageExportFormat.Png; // Set the image format png report.Prepare(); //Report prepare
exp.Export(report, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/test.png"); // Export report to file
var file = exp.GeneratedFiles[0]; // Save image to file
pictureBox1.Image = new
Bitmap(file); // Set the image
the comments it should be clear what we have done. It is necessary to clarify
only the moment with the export of multi-page reports. The export has the
HasMultipleFiles property, which is responsible for exporting report pages to
different files. That is why GeneratedFiles is an array of files. In our
example, we displayed the first generated file. In fact, 3 files were
generated. You can implement elements of navigation through the pages of the
report. In the meantime, let's take a look at the output of the button click
How to use in WPF
Forms in WPF are implemented
using XAML. Therefore, we have only one option available for displaying the
report - as an image. As in the previous example, we simply export the report
to a picture.
All you need is to connect
the FastReport library. OpenSource and add an Image object to the form. To
navigate through the report pages, you can add a toolbar and several buttons at
once, for example: Forward, Back, First, Last.
In the previous example, we
looked at how to load a report template, build it, and export it to an image.
And also, we displayed the first page of the report.
How to make navigation
through the pages?
If you look at the main form
code in XAML format, then you will see the components that we added to the
visual form:
<ToolBar Height="25" VerticalAlignment="Top" Grid.ColumnSpan="5" Margin="0,0,10,0">
<Button x:Name="Open" Click="Open_Click">
<Image Source="Resources/001.ico"></Image>
<Button x:Name="First" Click="First_Click">
<Image Source="Resources/frst.png"></Image>
<Button x:Name="Previous" Click="Previous_Click">
<Image Source="Resources/prr.png"></Image>
<Button x:Name="Next" Click="Next_Click">
<Image Source="Resources/nxt.png"></Image>
<Button x:Name="Last" Width="43" Click="Last_Click">
<Image Source="Resources/lst.png"></Image>
<Image x:Name="im">
This example is for
informational purposes, therefore, most object attributes are not shown to
simplify the perception of the code.
As you noticed, buttons have a
click event handlers. Let's look at the handler for the button named Open:
public List<BitmapImage> pages = new List<BitmapImage>(); // List to store report pages in png
private void Open_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
OpenFileDialog myDialog = new
OpenFileDialog(); // Create a dialog
myDialog.Filter = "Подготовленные отчёты(*.FPX)|*.fpx;"; // Set file filtering by extension in the dialog box.
myDialog.Multiselect = false; // Forbidding multiple file selections
if (myDialog.ShowDialog() == true) // Display the dialog
Report report = new Report(); // Create an instance of the report object
report.LoadPrepared(myDialog.FileName); // Load report in fpx format
ex = new
FastReport.Export.Image.ImageExport(); // Export instance
ex.HasMultipleFiles = true; // Create separate files for each export page
= ImageExportFormat.Png; // Set the export format
ex.Resolution = 96; // Set the image resolution
ex.Export(report, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/test.png"); // Export the image report to the test.png file
foreach (string file in ex.GeneratedFiles) // For each file from the export
// Save image cache to page list
image = new BitmapImage();
image.CacheOption =
image.UriSource = new Uri(file);
im.Source = pages[0]; // Set the Image object image
This code allows you to open
a report file in FPX format, load it into a report object, export it to PNG
format, and save the resulting files to a list for later navigation through the
pages. Remember that by default HasMultipleFiles is true.
Why do we save the image
cache? The fact is that in WPF files are not “released” after opening, which
means that we will not be able to delete files created during export when we
want to open another report. Caching images helps to get around this problem.
And now we implement
handlers for other buttons - navigation buttons:
public int CurrentPage
= 0; // Variable to store current page
// Open the first report page
private void
First_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CurrentPage = 0;
im.Source = pages[CurrentPage];
// View previous report page
private void Previous_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CurrentPage--; // Reduce the page number by 1
im.Source = pages[CurrentPage];
// Open next report page
private void Next_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CurrentPage++; // Increase page number by 1
im.Source = pages[CurrentPage];
// Open last page of report
private void Last_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
CurrentPage = pages.Count() - 1; // Last page number
im.Source = pages[CurrentPage];
How to use in AvaloniaUI
Avalonia platform is the
ideological successor of WPF, but in a cross-platform version. Since the user
interface of the Avalonia program is based on XAML, we can output our reports
in image format. That is, you must first export the report to an image and simply
display it in the <image> tag. Let's take a quick look at the way to do
First of all, to create an
application on Avalonia, you need to install a template in VisualStudio. This
can be done in the menu Tools -> Extensions and Updates. In the form that
opens, select the Online node in the tree on the left. And in the search bar at
the top enter Avalonia. Select and install the Avalonia for visual Studio
There are two ways to install
this framework: via Visual Studio and from the GIT repository.
The first method is very
simple. In Visual Studio, open the menu:
In the tree on the left, open
the Online node, and in the search bar in the right corner enter Avalonia. And
install the extension found.
Create an application by selecting
the Avalonia Application template.
Unfortunately, there is no
compatibility between the WPF and Avalonia controls, so the visual design of
the form is not available to us - only the XAML code. But in the XAML code
there are some differences with WPF. They are associated with the absence of
many attributes of components that either were not implemented due to the lack
of time or were abandoned. In the previous example, we looked at the
implementation of loading the report, exporting it to an image and displaying
it. Let's see how similar code for Avalonia will look like:
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="left" VerticalAlignment="Top" Background="#AA000000">
<Button Name="Open" Margin="5" Background="Transparent">
<Image Source="Resources/001.ico"></Image>
<Button Name="First" Click="First_Click" Margin="5" Background="Transparent">
<Image Source="Resources/frst.png"></Image>
<Button Name="Prev" Click="Prev_Click" Margin="5" Background="Transparent">
<Image Source="Resources/prr.png"></Image>
<Button Name="Next" Click="Next_Click" Margin="5" Background="Transparent">
<Image Source="Resources/nxt.png"></Image>
<Button Name="Last" Click="Last_Click" Margin="5" Background="Transparent">
<Image Source="Resources/lst.png"></Image>
<Image Name="img" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" Stretch="None" />
In general, everything looks the same, but as noted
above, many properties and controls are not available. Therefore, we replaced
the ToolBar with a StackPanel. The main difference is in C# code. We cannot
access the page objects directly; you must first find them by name:
public Button OpenBtn = this.FindControl
<Button> ("Open");
Thus, if you need to refer to the property of the
control, you will first have to get it at your disposal.
Implementation of the report button click handler will
look like the WPF example:
public List<Avalonia.Media.Imaging.Bitmap>
pages = new
List<Avalonia.Media.Imaging.Bitmap>(); // Export file list
private async void OpenFile(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Open file
OpenFileDialog myDialog = new
FileDialogFilter() { Name = "Prepared reports(*.FPX)", Extensions = new List<string> { "fpx" } }); // Add filter by file extension
myDialog.AllowMultiple = false;
var result = await myDialog.ShowAsync(this); // Display the dialog
Report report = new Report(); // Create report object
report.LoadPrepared(result[0]); // Load the prepared report into the Report object.
FastReport.Export.Image.ImageExport ex = new FastReport.Export.Image.ImageExport(); // Create export report
ex.HasMultipleFiles = true; // Split the report page by page into several files when exporting
ex.ImageFormat = ImageExportFormat.Png; // Set export format
ex.Resolution = 96; // Set image resolution
ex.Export(report, Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + "/test.png"); // Export to test.png file
foreach (string file in ex.GeneratedFiles)
pages.Add(new Avalonia.Media.Imaging.Bitmap(file)); // Add each export file to the list
img.Source = pages[0]; // Display the first page of the
As for the navigation
buttons for navigating between pages, their implementation has no difference
from the WPF example:
public int CurrentPage
= 0; // Variable to store current page
Open the first report page
private void
First_Click(object sender, Avalonia.Interactivity.RoutedEventArgs
CurrentPage = 0;
img.Source = pages[CurrentPage];
// View previous report page
private void Prev_Click(object sender,
Avalonia.Interactivity.RoutedEventArgs e)
img.Source = pages[CurrentPage];
// Open next report page
private void Next_Click(object sender,
Avalonia.Interactivity.RoutedEventArgs e)
img.Source = pages[CurrentPage];
// Open last page of report
private void Last_Click(object sender,
Avalonia.Interactivity.RoutedEventArgs e)
CurrentPage = pages.Count - 1;
img.Source = pages[CurrentPage];
How to use in .NET Core MVC
As part of the ASP.Net Core application, you can
display web reports. That is, reports will be displayed on web pages. This
works by exporting the report in html format. Consider the key points in using
the FastReport.OpenSource.Web library in this web application:
1. Add libraries. You can add the FastReport.OpenSource
and FastReport.OpenSource.Web libraries using the NuGet package manager. These
libraries are stored in the general repository.
2. Add using FastReport in Startup.cs:
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env)
Add the code for creating and downloading the report to the controller
public IActionResult Index()
WebReport WebReport = new WebReport();
WebReport.Report.Load(@"Reports/Master-Detail.frx"); // Load the report into the WebReport object
System.Data.DataSet dataSet = new System.Data.DataSet(); // Create a data source
dataSet.ReadXml(@"reports/nwind.xml"); // Open the xml database
WebReport.Report.RegisterData(dataSet, "NorthWind"); // Registering the data source in the report
WebReport.Mode = WebReportMode.Designer;
// Set designer mode
WebReport.DesignerLocale = "en"; // Choosing a localization designer
WebReport.DesignerPath = @"WebReportDesigner/index.html"; // We set the URL of the online designer
WebReport.DesignerSaveCallBack = @"Home/SaveDesignedReport"; // Set the view URL for the report save method
ViewBag.WebReport = WebReport; // pass the
report to View
return View();
Add usage code
to the view:
@await ViewBag.WebReport.Render()
Also, you
can display Online Designer using FastReport.OpenSource. This is a paid product
that allows you to create and edit reports along with the desktop report
How to use with Angular SPA
Creating your Angular SPA in Microsoft Visual Studio you can use all the
advantages of the .Net Core MVC backend. Namely, use View to display in the SPA
To work with Angular, you need to install Node.js, a platform for
executing JavaScript code on the server side. The easiest way is to download the
installer from the developer’s website It also requires
.Net Core SDK 2.0 or newer version. If you have Microsoft Visual Studio 2017
installed, then the SDK is already installed.
Now we create a folder
for our future application in the desired place. Run the command prompt. Go to
the created directory using the cd command. And we execute the command:
dotnet new angular -o SPAWebReport
You will
need to install the typescript package in the folder with the application. To
do this, in the command prompt navigate to the folder with the application and
execute the command:
npm install
-g typescript
Next, we
need to install additional packages in the NuGet manager:
In the
controller, add the method of loading the report and data for it:
using FastReport.Web;
public IActionResult ShowReport()
WebReport WebReport = new WebReport();
WebReport.Width = "1000";
WebReport.Height = "1000";
WebReport.Report.Load("App_Data/Master-Detail.frx"); // Load the report into the WebReport object
System.Data.DataSet dataSet = new System.Data.DataSet(); // Create a data source
dataSet.ReadXml("App_Data/nwind.xml"); //Open xml database
WebReport.Report.RegisterData(dataSet, "NorthWind"); // Registering the data source in the report
ViewBag.WebReport = WebReport; //pass the report to View
return View();
For this
method, you need to create a view of the same name, in which there will be only
one line of code - report rendering:
@await ViewBag.WebReport.Render()
In the client part of the application, we
define the page template in the template property of the component. The file is
called App.component.ts:
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { SafeUrlPipe } from "./safeUrl.pipe";
selector: 'app-root',
template: `<div>
type="button" (click)="Clicked()" value = "Show
<iframe id="report" height="1000"
width="1000" [src]="url | safeUrl"></iframe>
export class AppComponent {
show: boolean = false;
url: string;
Clicked() { = true;
this.url = "api/SampleData/ShowReport";
By default,
the page template is in a separate file. We added an iframe so that the
downloadable report runs in a separate environment. When loading the page, we
will see only the button, the frame will be empty. But by clicking on the
button, the source will be given - the view that we created above. In order for
the link to be recognized as a link, and not as a simple text, we used the
"normalizer" url. You can apply a function to a value using a pipe -
a vertical slash.
implement this "normalizer" in a separate class. And we already added
the link to it to the class component.
import { Pipe, PipeTransform } from '@angular/core';
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';
@Pipe({ name: 'safeUrl' })
export class SafeUrlPipe implements PipeTransform {
constructor(private sanitizer: DomSanitizer) { }
transform(url) {
return this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(url);
allows you to make the link safe from malicious or erroneous inclusions.
We can
write a lot more useful information about aspects of using
FastReport Open Source, but the article turned out to be quite voluminous.
Therefore, we will look at the way to use this report generator in more detail in
further articles.
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