Support for .NET 7 in new FastReport Open Source 2023.1
New opportunities .NET 7 support We have added .NET 7 . support for FastReport.Core and FastReport.CoreWin. This platform improves application performance and adds many new features to your projects. Report validator improvements Increased work speed Now the report validator runs in a single thread. The speed of its work is significantly optimized. You can notice the changes in processing reports with a large number of errors. While the validator is checking the report, the check window shows a respective message. In this case, you can edit the report. A table with errors will appear upon completion of the validator. Validator table setup For convenience, we have added a new column with error numbers. Its display can be enabled or disabled via the table context menu. In the same way, you can customize the display of the error type column. JasperReports Template Converter We have added the option to convert report templates from JasperReports to FastReport .NET templates. JasperReport